What does tata mean in Spanish?

Tata – Grandpa 

In some Latin American Spanish speaking countries, tata is a popular and affectionate word that people use to call their granddad.

Happy Black Grandpa And Little Grandson Bumping Fists At Home

Tata can also be used to refer to or talk about your grandpa, however this meaning is only applicable to family members. This nickname can be translated as ‘grandpa’ or ‘granddad’. With this meaning, tata is popular in the following countries:


Chilean Flag - Santiago, Chile


Zocalo Square and Mexico City Cathedral - Mexico City, Mexico


Flag of Venezuela

Puerto Rico

San Juan, Puerto Rico capitol building.

Moisés, ¿ya saludaste a tu tata? – Moises, did you already say hi to your grandpa?

Tata, ¿dónde te pongo tus lentes? – Grandpa, where should I put your glasses?

Abuelita, ¿a qué hora llega mi tata? – Granny, what time does my grandpa arrive?

Respect word written on wood block

Again: The word “tata” expresses great respect or admiration for an elderly person in Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America. As a result, it can be used as a nickname for grandparents, dads, or big brothers in several countries.

How to say tata in Spanish?

Father with three kids on Turkey resort against palms.

What does tata sound like in Spanish? “tata” in Spanish to English translation (daddy, brother).

Here are sample sentences with the word tata in Spanish

Tata te diría que le saques el máximo provecho. –Tata would tell you to make the most of it.

Mi tata insistió en que volviéramos –My tata insisted that we go back

Gracias, tata. – Thank you, dad.

Mi prima la llamaban tata en su vecindario. –They called my cousin tata in her neighborhood.

¿Cuántos maridos has tenido tata? – How many husbands have you had, tata?

Mi tata no anda muy bien de salud-My father is not in very good health.

Por favor, tata. – please daddy

¿Has visto a donde se fue tata? – Have you seen where tata went?

Tata no me dijo en que era lo que trabajaba. –Tata didn’t tell me that she was what she worked for.

Me gustaría pasar más tiempo con mi tata. – I would like to spend more time with my dad.


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