cropped view of killer washing knife in sink after murder

How to kill someone without getting caught?

How to kill someone without getting caught?

They get supplies in cash.

Cash Money in a Hand

Cash is used by organized murderers to pay for all expenses that come with their crimes, including hotels, prepaid phones, and other supplies.  That way, if a getaway needs to occur, it’s harder for law enforcement to trace them down.

The gas station is a location you must stay away from the day of the murder since there are cameras around. Investigators frequently identify murderers and their getaway vehicle.

They almost never kill romantic partners.

Well, if they’re male anyway. A romantic partner is the first person the police will question. Instead, organized killers choose to murder strangers. This way, they avoid immediate detection.

They use a vacuum cleaner.

Hand holding vaccum hose cleaning car interior

To organized killers, a vacuum is a gift. Why? In every case, the murderer can be immediately identified by any hair or clothing fibers that were left behind.

They properly clean the entire scene after killing their victim. The criminals typically take the vacuum with them and dispose of it far away once they have done polishing every location.

They clean up with oxygen bleach.

Human hand in protective glove holding a bleach bottle

An investigator’s worst enemy and an organized killer’s best friend is oxygen bleach. The cleaning agent oxygen bleach is more powerful than other cleaning products.

Once used to clean up blood stains, it will prevent traces of hemoglobin cells from being spotted. Therefore, when it’s time to use the luminol to look for forensic evidence, detectives will struggle to find anything.

They cut off the victim’s body parts.

Organized killers usually get dirty, they do it while wearing latex gloves to prevent leaving skin cells and fingerprints behind. They butcher the head, legs, and other body parts of their victim to distribute those parts around remote areas in town.

Essentially, the more parts that are cut off and scattered, the longer it will take law enforcement to survey and piece together the large crime scene. Organized killers are careful to use suitcases rather than plastic bags when dumping a body in a lake since suitcases don’t float and sink more quickly.

They stick to the original story.

Organized killers often have anti-social disorders, so they’re cunning liars and manipulators when the time arises. If they are called in for questioning, these culprits stand their ground and never allow a slip to occur while telling their story.

They know that any modification to their story will immediately put them at high risk of being suspected as the killer.

They never read about murder tips.

Oh, and organized killers don’t look up ways to kill online because, well, that’s just asking to be caught. Just think of all the crime stories you’ve heard where a killer’s search history revealed the truth.

So, yeah. Effective serial killers are terrifying. Good luck avoiding spiraling into an internet crime research spiral now.


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