How Many Bones Does A Shark Have?

Sharks are amazing creatures that live in the sea. Surprisingly, they have unusual body structures compared to other aquatic animals like dolphins and piranhas. These enormous aquatic creatures are far more than predators; they are also the balancing component of the ecosystem.

Are Shark Teeth Made Of Bones?

No, shark teeth are not bones. They are different from bones. Surprisingly, shark teeth are composed of calcium phosphate, which is lighter than actual bone. The beautiful teeth of this fantastic ocean dweller are as distinct as the entirety of its body, but they do not sit in the mouth like human teeth.

Shark´s Mouth, Shark Teeth, Spain

Intriguingly, sharks shed their teeth regularly, like deer shed their antlers and snakes shed their skins. They lose roughly one precious tooth every week on average, making them have about 35,000 teeth throughout their lifespan.

What Are Sharks’ Teeth Shaped Like?

A shark’s feeding and hunting activities determine its tooth shape. Fascinatingly, the strong, serrated triangular teeth of the great white shark, for example, are outstanding for crushing and tearing up prey.

On the other hand, the gentle nurse shark has flat, conical teeth that are designed to devour smaller crustaceans. So, the shape and serrations of a shark’s tooth can help identify the species of shark.

How Many Bones Do Sharks Really Have?

A shark does not have bones, but this gigantic aqua critter is cartilaginous, so by default, its skull, jaw, spinal cord, and teeth are all made of cartilage, a similar tissue that makes up a human’s nose and ears.

Since cartilages are much lighter than bones, they allow this flexible marine animal to glide through the water like a torpedo. Another striking difference between cartilage and bones is that the latter has blood vessels while the former does not.

How Do Sharks Live Without Bones?

How sharks survive without the conventional red blood cells formed in their bone marrows remains a mystery. Nevertheless, they live because their unique blood is produced in the spleen and epigonal organ and also created in Leydig’s organ, which is exclusively present in Chondrichthyes fish like skates, rays, and sawfish.

Hunting great white shark

So, while terrestrial animals like lions and humans need bones to support their movement on land, these huge oceanic predators require cartilage to survive in the marine world.


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