The best “New Year” Memes!

1. Why does midnight have to be so late?

Funny new year meme

2. Still waiting…

New year meme

3. Did someone say “dress up”?

New Year Meme

4. Where did all the motivation go?

funny new year meme

5. Trying to only focus on positive goals, thanks…

funny new year meme

6. See ya, 2023

7. All the single ladies, put your hands up

funny new year meme

8. Nope, it’s a different countdown on NYE

9. That’s something to celebrate

new year meme

10. Midnight is just *so* late

new year meme

11. New year, same me

12. We’re all thinking it

13. Big plans

14. Because this love is fur-ever

15. We might steal it too


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