Little do you know that there are kinds of ants that could be as lethal as a snake or a scorpion.
1. The Bulldog Ant

This is recorded by scientists as the most dangerous ant in the whole world. Commonly found in Australia, this ant is the most aggressive species of all. The bulldog ant can use its stinger and its jaw aggressively at the same time. Plus, it injects venom that can kill a fully grown man within 15 minutes.
2. Siafu Ant

Also known as the army ant, this creature is common in Eastern and Central Africa. This is one of the insects that can literally destroy everything in their path. Unlike most ant species, the Siafu ants do not build their nests. They are considered as nomads – they live from one place to the other depending on the abundance of the food source.
3. Fire Ant

Just like most insects, fire ants become aggressive when they are provoked. One unique feature of this ant is they can secrete a pheromone that makes more ants attack the predator. The fire ant has a very painful sting. It will cause swelling, redness, and puss. There are cases where people develop allergic reactions from the fire ant bite.
4. Bullet Ant

This is recorded by scientists as the ant with the most painful bite. From the name itself, the bite from the Bullet ant is as painful as being shot by a gun. This is typically found in South America and is known as the 24-hour ant. According to experts, you can feel the pain of the bite for more or less 24 hours before it gradually oozes out.
5. Florida Harvester Ant

This species is normally found in Central, South, and North America. These ants are one of the deadliest insects reported to mankind. The Florida Harvester Ant carries a type of venom as deadly as that of the Cobras. This type of venom can kill small insects, and it could be very lethal to human beings as well. These creatures often appear as docile and harmless ants.