What animals has two feet but can’t walk?

What if I told you that all it takes is a few mins of your time to learn about this famous riddle

what animals has two feet but can’t walk?

The question, “what animal has two feet but can’t walk?” is a common question and has straightforward answers. In my opinion and research, I found a list of animals that can’t walk, even have feet or legs.

Hummingbird (can’t walk but has two legs) Sparrow (can’t walk but has two legs) Kangaroo (four legs but can’t walk) Bat (two feet but can’t walk) Rabbit (four legs but hops to move) Kingfisher bird (two feet but can’t walk) Only these animals I remember with legs but can’t walk.

Before you go, here are 3 cool facts about these animals.



1. They are fast (just as fast as this clock)

2. They have a huge appetite

3. They migrate every year


House Sparrow male

A House Sparrow’s life span is about 4-5 years, and it could be up to 12 years in captivity. House Sparrows are considered as being very social. House sparrows use physical cues to communicate with one another in order to show authority.


Jumping Red Kangaroo on the beach, Australia

They’re left-handed, they use their tails as a fifth leg, they sometimes scratch each other’s eyes, punch, kick each other in the balls, or drown their enemies and they have big muscles!


Flying pond bat

Without bats, say goodbye to bananas, avocados and mangoes. Without bats, we also wouldn’t have plants like agave or the iconic saguaro cactus. Night insects have the most to fear from bats. Bats are the only flying mammal.


rabbit standing

A baby rabbit is called a kit, a female is called a doe and a male is called a buck. Rabbits are amazing athletes — they can jump as high as 90 centimeters in one leap! A rabbit’s best feature? Their long ears! Growing up to 10 centimeters in length, rabbits can turn their ears by 180 degrees, keeping a careful listen out for predators.

Kingfisher bird

They close their eyes as they dive into the water, so they are fishing blind! They bob their heads before diving to accurately judge the depth of the fish. These species are strong territorial birds in that they tend to defend their territory actively against incomers.

They eat frogs, spiders, insects, centipedes, amphibians, worms, fish, reptiles, snakes, mammals and birds. And that’s a wrap, guys. I really do hope you enjoyed this article and if you did, make sure to leave a like and a comment to let us know what you think about this article.


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