These scary-looking animals from biomes on land and sea often have a chilling effect at first glance. Some have sharp fangs and teeth, some are parasites, and some look terrifying but are actually harmless.
The Black Dragonfish

Black dragonfish are a type of bioluminescent fish that live in deep ocean waters. The females of the species have sharp, fang-like teeth and a long barbel that hangs from their chin. The barbel contains photophores, which produce light and act as a lure to attract prey.
White-Shouldered Bat
White-shouldered bats (Ametrida centurio) are a South and Central American bat species. These small bats have large eyes, a pointed pug nose, and sharp teeth that give them a menacing appearance. Although they may look scary, they don’t pose any threat to humans.
Fangtooth Fish
Fangtooth fish (Anoplogaster cornuta) are frightening deep sea fish with a large head, sharp fangs and scales. Its bottom fangs are so long that the fish can not close its mouth completely. The fangs fit into pockets on the roof of the fangtooth’s mouth when it is closed. The extreme environment of the deep sea makes it difficult for fangtooth fish to find food.
Tapeworms are parasitic flatworms that live within the digestive system of their hosts. These strange looking organisms have hooks and suckers around their scolex or head, which help them attach to the intestinal wall. Their long segmented body can reach lengths of up to 20 feet.
Anglerfish are a type of bioluminescent fish that live in deep ocean waters. The females of the species have a glowing bulb of flesh that hangs down from their head and acts as a lure to attract prey. In some species, the luminescence is the result of chemicals produced by symbiotic bacteria.
Goliath Bird-Eater Spider
The Goliath bird-eater spider is one of the largest spiders in the world. These tarantulas use their fangs to capture and inject venom into their prey. The venom dissolves the insides of their prey and the spider sucks up its meal, leaving behind the skin and bones.
Viperfish are a type of bioluminescent deep sea marine fish found in tropical and temperate waters. These fish have sharp, fang-like teeth that they use to spear their prey. Their teeth are so long that they curve behind the viperfish’s head when its mouth is closed. Viperfish have a long spine that extends from their dorsal fin.
Giant Deep-Sea Isopod
The Giant deep-sea isopod (Bathynomus giganteus) can reach lengths of up to 2.5 feet. They have a tough, segmented exoskeleton and seven pairs of legs that give them an alien-like appearance. Giant isopods can curl up into a ball as a defense mechanism to protect themselves from predators.
Lobster Moth Caterpillar
The lobster moth caterpillar has a strange-looking appearance. It derives its name from the fact that its enlarged abdomen resembles a lobster tail. Lobster moth caterpillars are harmless and rely on camouflage or mimicry as a defense mechanism to hide from or confuse potential predators.
Star-Nosed Mole
The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a very unusual looking mammal that gets its name from the star-shaped, fleshy tentacles around its nose. These tentacles are used to feel out their surroundings, identify prey, and prevent soil from entering the animal’s nose when digging.