How cold does it have to be in order for it to snow?
Temperature, but not necessarily the temperature we feel on the ground, has a big role in whether or not winter storms produce snow.

When the temperature in the atmosphere is at or below freezing (0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit) and there is a minimal amount of moisture in the air, snow forms.

The snow will reach the ground if the ground temperature is at or below freezing.

If the conditions are exactly right, snow can still reach the ground when the ground temperature is above freezing.

When snowflakes reach this higher temperature layer, they begin to melt, causing evaporative cooling, which cools the air immediately around the snowflake.

Melting is slowed by this cooling. Snow, on the other hand, will not form unless the ground temperature is at least 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit).

While it is possible for it to be too hot to snow, it is not possible for it to be too cold to snow.

Even at extremely low temperatures, snow can form if there is a source of moisture and a mechanism to elevate or cool the air.

True, most heavy snowfalls happen when the air near the ground is rather warm—typically –9 degrees Celsius (15 degrees Fahrenheit) or warmer—because warmer air can store more water vapor.

Because snow creation necessitates moisture, highly cold but dry locations may only get snow on rare occasions.

The Dry Valleys of Antarctica, for example, are the continent’s largest ice-free area.
The Dry Valleys are frigid, but there is very little humidity, and strong winds assist remove any leftover moisture from the air.

As a result, little snow falls in this bitterly cold location.

There is snow on the ground.

The character of the snow surface following a snowstorm is determined by the crystals’ original form as well as the weather conditions at the time of the snowfall.

When high winds accompany a snowstorm, for example, the snow crystals are split into smaller fragments that can become more tightly packed.

Snow may melt or evaporate after a snowstorm, or it may stick around for a long time.

Individual grains’ texture, size, and form will alter if snow lingers on the ground, even if the temperature remains below freezing, or they may melt and refreeze over time, eventually becoming compacted by succeeding snowfalls.

The snowpack accumulates and develops a complex layered structure made up of a range of snow grains over the winter season, reflecting the weather and climate conditions at the time of deposition as well as changes in the snow cover over time.
What is the maximum size of a snowflake?
Snowflakes are clumps of many individual snow crystals. The majority of snowflakes are smaller than 1.3 centimeters (0.5 inch) in diameter.

Larger and irregular flakes, measuring up to 5 centimeters (2 inches) in diameter, can form under particular conditions, which usually include near-freezing temperatures, mild winds, and unstable air conditions.