Women find guys with strong hands very attractive, just like you find women with curvy bodies attractive.

Strong hands appear sexier, it tells that the guy is very capable of mating.
In the Pleistocene age, females used to mate with only strong alpha males, and even though the world has changed so much, the thinking process hasn’t changed much.

Women still go for men who they think can protect them and their kids in the future.
Strong hands aren’t extremely important in finding a partner, but it definitely makes you attractive, and a lot of women do notice it.
Are Long Fingers Attractive?
Fingers play a big role in making your hands attractive. And, yes, women do prefer longer fingers on hand than shorter ones.

According to a study, longer fingers are attached to good-looking guys. In fact, some women find long fingers more attractive than whole hands, which is quite odd.
What Type Of Hands Are Attractive?
There is no specific answer to this question, but when I saw some interviews and read some threads, most girls were saying that they find muscular (not too muscular) hands with long fingers and tattoos hotter than normal hands.

However, it doesn’t mean a simple hand can’t look hot, there are a few things you can do to make your hand attractive.
How To Make Your Hand Attractive?
Make sure your hands are clean, they should not be too bushy (hairy) otherwise your hands may not appear muscular. It will hide your forearm muscles too, so shave your hand’s hair if they are too bushy.

Plus, double sure that your nails are not long and dirty, it turns off women instantly. Dirty nails tell that you don’t focus much on cleanness.
Women like tattoos. It’s a great way to boost your attractiveness, however, only go for them if you are very sure because once you got the tattoo, you can’t erase them unless you go for surgery.

Getting a tattoo just to impress girls is stupidity. Only get a tattoo if you really want to. Also, there shouldn’t be too many tattoos, covering 30% hand with a tattoo looks good, but something more than that might look unattractive.
Your muscles shouldn’t be too big or too small. Slim hands with some muscles attract women a lot. If you’re skinny, do some exercises, it doesn’t only make your muscle better but it’s also good for your overall health.

Rings can make your hand appear 10 times more attractive, however, it’s really important to choose the size correctly and design too.

A bad ring would raise tons of questions in the mind of the girl who would look at your hand. She may not like it.
Are Hands The Only Thing Women Notice?
No, there are tons of things women look for before choosing their partners. Good-looking hands can make your chances better but they are not the thing you can depend on.