Curious cat in the countryside, Tuscany

Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

Did you ever wondered why cats eat grass? yes, it’s not only the dogs that eat grass, but cats too!

 Even though cats are obligate carnivores, grass can actually offer a lot of benefits for them. With the help of this article learn why cats eat grass.

The top three ones are as follows:

1. Helps with stomach upset

Cute cat sphinx tray purple plastic and scoop on floor and waterproof mat. Toilet wood litter

One of the most popular explanations for why cats eat grass is that it soothes sick stomachs. This is related to the fact that cats lack the appropriate enzymes to properly digest grass, which may explain why they frequently vomit after eating it.

As a result, it is believed that they may eat it to try and help them to regurgitate, which would assist them clear their system of anything that they were unable to digest, such their own hair or the feathers and bones of prey. Dogs frequently eat grass for the same reason.

2. Grass juice contains folic acid

Interestingly, grass juice contains folic acid, a vital vitamin that supports cell growth, helps in digestion, and helps in the production of hemoglobin. Folic acid is also present in a cat’s mother’s milk. Hill’s claims that if your cat thinks they are lacking in certain vitamins, they may look for grass to try and counteract that.  Therefore, if you’re wondering why my cat eats grass.  That very well might be the cause.

3. It works as a natural laxative

Things that your cat cannot digest sometimes go too far through the digestive system and may become stuck. Grass can actually assist break it down in this situation, making it simpler for them to pass. Therefore, grass might actually assist in cleansing their system and easing constipation.

 Is it safe for cats to eat grass?

Bengal cat on a leash eating grass outside

When eaten in moderation and providing it hasn’t been treated with any pesticides or herbicides, cats eating grass is completely fine. However, if your cat eats a lot of grass, it could get stuck in their nasal chambers and make them sneeze a lot. If this occurs, you must call your veterinarian right away to have it manually removed.


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