Blueberries’ Actual Color
While blueberries are commonly referred to as “blue,” their actual color is a deep purple. The reason they appear blue is due to the unique way in which our eyes perceive color.

Blueberries contain pigments called anthocyanins, which are responsible for their dark purple color. These pigments absorb specific wavelengths of light, including red, orange, and yellow, while reflecting blue and purple wavelengths to our eyes.

The result creates the illusion that the berry is blue rather than purple.
Colors of Ripeness
The color of a blueberry can also vary depending on its ripeness and the amount of sunlight it receives. The unripe berry may appear green, while under ripe berries can take on a reddish hue.

Colorful Superfood
Blueberries’ deep rich purple color also represents high antioxidant levels, which translates to health benefits for lowering blood pressure, reducing heart disease, preventing neurological diseases, and slowing cancer.

At Chelan Ranch Organics, we offer blueberries three ways – frozen, freeze-dried, and fresh when in season. As a result, we stay healthy by including this colorful superfood in our diets daily. Remember, while blueberries may appear blue to our eyes, they are purple.