Ants on Plants

What are the types of ants?

Black House Ant

This type of ant is commonly found in households. Many disregard black house ants as harmless because they don’t bite.

If black house ants find their way into your food, they could transmit dangerous diseases such as salmonella, e-coli, or campylobacter.

Ghost Ants

These interesting-looking insects with their translucent abdomen and legs aggressively breed in small, dark, and enclosed spaces such as cabinets, drawers, and flower pots.

Ghost ants feed on sweet-tasting food items, grease and oily substances, and insects that eat fruits.

Odorous House Ant

As its name suggests, this type of ant emits a coconut-like odor. The odorous house ant loves to feed on sugary-sweet food, fruits, and pet food.

The odorous house ant breeds in places that offer plenty of moisture such as bathrooms. They are known to breed under your toilet lid. Unless terminated, the colony of the odorous house ant can easily reach 10,000 members.

Pharaoh Ant

One of the most aggressive breeds of ants, Pharaohs can swarm at any time of the year.

Each colony can have multiple Queen ants. If you spray an insecticide to an army of Pharaoh ants, the Queen ants will be compelled to lay as much as 3,500 eggs per day. A colony of Pharaoh ants can reach up to 300,000 members.

Pavement Ant

Pavement ants are also aggressive breeders that can swarm any day of the year. This type of any nestles outdoors. Their colonies can be found in your backyard, baseboards, sidewalks, and on grounds that are near water sources.

Pavement ants work at night and forage for food in your house by using pipes and electrical wires to gain entry.

Little Black Ant

These are worker-type ants that create scent-marked trails to organize foraging activities in your home.

Little black ants nestle outdoors in gardens and backyards. You can find their colonies under rocks, decaying trees, and cement cracks.

However, little black ants can build their colonies inside your house. Among their preferred areas for nesting include baseboards, under the carpet, and woodwork.

Weaver Ant

The Weaver Ant is a prolific breeder and can produce large-sized colonies. Unlike the other types of ants on this list, the Weaver ant prefers to distribute the colony to different locations.

The Weaver Ant nestles outdoors in tree trunks or under bark that was loosened up by termites. Indoors, the Weaver colony can be found in the attic, near trash bins, and the kitchen area.

Carpenter Ant

Carpenter ants are found outdoors in dry wood but have a stronger preference for moist locations. These are nocturnal foragers and enter your homes at night.

Carpenter ants have a taste for fruits, particularly honeydew but also eat dead insects. Inside households, these ants look for sweets, fats, grease, and meat leftovers.

Fire Ant

Fire ants are aggressive and when provoked, can inflict a very painful sting that can develop into a pustule after 2 days.

An invasive species, fire ants will infest your home if there are constant sources of sweets, leftover meat, and greasy food. The diet of a fire ant also includes dead animals – not just insects – earthworms, and vertebrates.


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