Top 10 strangest animals!

Japanese Spider Crab

The Japanese spider crab lives in the waters near Japan


and has the largest leg span of any arthropod,

Japanese Spider Crab

reaching up to 5.5 metres (18 ft). Despite looking ferocious, the crab has been reported to have a gentle disposition.

Spiny Bush Viper

Atheris hispida is a venomous viper from Central Africa.  They are frequently referred to as “rough-scaled bush viper” and “spiny bush viper” due to their extremely keeled dorsal scales.

 Leafy Seadragon

Leafy Sea Dragons

The leafy seadragon is a marine fish that may be found along Australia’s southern and western coasts. It has long, leaf-like protrusion from every part of its body that act as camouflage.

Atretochoana Eiselti Or ‘Penis Snake’

A species of caecilian known as Atretochoana eiselti has a broad, flat head and a fleshy dorsal fin on the body. Despite not being a snake, it has been called to as a “penis snake” in the media.

Sea Pig

Scotoplanes are sea cucumbers that live on deep ocean bottoms, specifically on the abyssal plain in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean, typically at depths of over 1000 meters. They are deposit feeders and obtain food by extracting organic particles from deep-sea mud.

 Star-Nosed Mole

The Star-nosed mole is a small mole that lives wet low areas in northern North America. It is easily recognized by its snout, which functions as a touch organ and has more than 25,000-minute sensory receptors. The receptors, also known as Eimer’s organs, are excellent detecting seismic waves.


The deep-sea fish known as the blobfish lives off the coasts of Tasmania, New Zealand, and mainland Australia. Because most of the blobfish’s body is a gelatinous mass with a density slightly less than water, it can float above the sea floor without using energy to move. They only appear droopy when taken out of the sea, when pressure changes drastically.

Gobi Jerboa

Found in China and Mongolia, The Gobi jerboa is a species of rodent that lives in desert and steppe habitats. They have a long tail that helps them to accelerate their bipedal gallop. The most distinct feature of Gobi jerboas is their huge ears, which are about three times the size of their heads and give them extremely excellent hearing senses.


The Inuit people have cherished this medium-toothed whale for its meat and ivory for more than a century. It is found in the Arctic and has a huge “tusk” from a protruding canine tooth. However, narwhals are especially vulnerable to climate change.


The Dugong is the only sirenian marine mammal in its range, which includes the waters of about 40 countries and territories in the Indo-West Pacific. It is a medium-sized marine mammal. They are considered as the inspiration for mermaids. The dugong’s body is large with a cylindrical shape that tapers at both ends.


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