1. Bitcoin Boom: 2021 Edition

The new year has started with an updated BTC maximum. The new all-time-high (ATH) was fixed on January 8 when the price of the main cryptocurrency hit $41,941. But before BTC went straight to the moon, it spent several months accelerating its positions on the crypto market. Even Elon Musk shared his vision on the BTC bull run at the end of 2020. And boy, this is such a true story.
2. Buy Low, Sell High, or…

Immature crypto investors might face money loss when following the hype regarding a certain crypto asset. Such a FUD tactic will bring only crying the river over money spent. However, if you don’t have issues with patience, you might be lucky enough to fix the profit in the following months/years/decades. The golden rule of any crypto investor or trader is that one must invest only the amount of money he/she is not afraid to lose. Otherwise, you risk losing it all.

When you finally convinced your friend to invest and and he just lost everything
4. Technically, Millionaire

Since BTC is now traded at about $30,000+ per coin, many have remembered they have some “spare coins” on their wallets. The problem is, some of the “potential millionaires” have forgotten the password which should unlock their crypto funds. This meme is based on a true (and sad) story of a German-born developer and crypto enthusiast Stefan Thomas and it sounds like the next scary TV show on Netflix. Thomas stored BTC private keys on a hard drive IronKey. His BTC wallet keeps coins that are currently worth around $200 million. He tried to remember the password but failed. Another problem is that he only has two attempts left before the information stored on IronKey will be locked forever. We wish you all the best, Stefan Thomas!
5. Trust Issues

We’ve survived Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) hype. We now find ourselves in a similar but new situation. Most of the DeFi coins are Ethereum-based. However, not all of them are worth your attention and trust. It concerns both regular and institutional investors. To not cry over a spilled milk in the future, examine the DeFi project carefully before investing. Be safe!
6. “SIR”

Nurse: Sir, you’ve been in a coma for 9 seconds
Sir: Oh, boy! I can’t wait to see how much my bitcoin is worth.

When you put $25 into bitcoin and make 8$ profit

When your boss thanks you for staying late to work but you were just watching the price of bitcoin and lost track of time LOL

Guy: I have $1 million in Bitcoins
Girl: Wow, wanna buy us some drinks?
Guy: Oh, no I don’t have any real money

Me trying to figure out how much money i lost buying at the top of the market

Two friends are talking..
Guy: We have to go back, Marty!
Marty: Save the world!
Guy: No, buy bitcoins!