Wigs once worn by a star might command a great price. While wigs are more commonly worn and purchased by women, some male models attract exorbitant costs as well.
1. Michael Jackson Wig -$75,000

It sold for about $75,000 and commemorated the pop icon’s evolving aesthetic between 1990 and afterwards. It was sold at a private auction alongside copies of an authenticity document.
The wig is custom-crafted for Michael by USA Cap Weaver and is constructed of medium-length black human hair with lace in the front. The original foam stand was included in the auction.
2. Marilyn Monroe Wig -$29,900

The wig was created by Max Factor Studios’ Hair Creations division and was made from actual human hair sewed to a net. The hair is shoulder-length, curly, and has a matching hairpiece that adds ringlets to the wig’s volume.
3. Elizabeth Taylor Wig -$16,000

This wig is important to the classic epic, with its trademark dark brown hair, gold beads, and intricate braids. Stanley Hall’s star-studded career culminated with this amazing wig for model-superstar Taylor’s shining moment, which went on to sell for $16,000 to a proud collector.
4. Andy Warhol Wig -$10,800

“The wig,” as he referred to it, was actually a collection of hundreds of wigs that he alternatedly wore, all created by the Italian stylist Paul Bochicchio. In 2006, one of these wigs was sold at a Christie’s auction in New York. It was the most expensive wig ever sold at the time, selling for $10,800.
5. Audrey Hepburn Wig -$6,400

Audrey Hepburn wore this wig in the 1959 MGM picture Green Mansions. For her role as a jungle girl opposite a traveler, the renowned short-haired diva required long flowing locks (played by Anthony Perkins of Psycho fame). MGM custom-made this wig to fit Audrey’s hairline and head. It was fashioned from actual human hair, which the hairdresser fastened a single strand at a time to silk bands that resembled a person’s head underneath.