All cats, of course, require regular examinations in order to remain healthy. Some folks, however, are unsure how often they should take their cat to the veterinarian.
Many people believe that cats don’t need nearly as much veterinary care as dogs.
They believe cats are self-sufficient enough to care for themselves and do not require you to bring them in for a checkup unless they show obvious signs of illness.
In truth, you should take your cat to the vet at least once a month.
Kittens in their early stages
If you have recently acquired a new baby cat or kittens, arrange an appointment as soon as possible.
This initial meeting will offer you the opportunity to talk with a knowledgeable veterinarian about your pet’s future care goals.
If your cat is less than four months old, your veterinarian may recommend monthly checkups until he or she is around five months old.
Adult Cats
At least twice a year, or every six months, you should take your adult cat in for a checkup. Dental cleanings, examinations, and vaccines are frequently included in checkups.
Even if your cat is an indoor cat, distemper and rabies vaccinations are required.
These vaccinations are normally good for around three years, but if you lose track, don’t worry—a skilled veterinarian can always test their immunity levels to ensure they get the best therapy.
Elderly Cats
When your cat reaches the age of seven, your veterinarian will most likely advise you to change their care routine.
Cats between the ages of 7 and 10 should see a veterinarian twice or three times a year. Once they reach the age of ten, schedule a second visit.
Arthritis, obesity, and renal and liver problems are all common illnesses that require a complete treatment strategy.
Preparing For Changes
If you are moving or anticipate a major lifestyle change in the near future, you should consult your veterinarian to see if your cat requires any special care.
If you’re moving to a region where they’ll be more exposed to the outdoors, for example, they may require more vaccinations.
If you’ve recently relocated with your cat and notice that they’re acting differently, a post-move checkup might help you determine whether they’re simply anxious or are physically unwell.
Feline Medical Facility is ready to provide your beloved four-legged pet with the best care they need if you are seeking for a qualified medical clinic to take them to.
Their dedicated cat-only facility and sympathetic staff of experienced specialists are especially qualified to meet your cat’s needs.