5 Reasons to Cast Your Vote!
NOTE: It’s critical that you know what you’re voting on.

Here are a few of the reasons why you should register to vote and vote:
1. Elections have ramifications.

You can choose the quality of life you desire for yourself and future generations. Voting allows you to advocate for topics that are important to you, such as public transportation, raising the minimum wage, and funding local schools. ‘

Take the time to help decide what’s best in your life.
2. Not voting is akin to abdicating one’s right to express oneself.

People who vote determine the outcome of elections. Take some time to learn about the candidates and the measures.
If you do not vote, the choice will be made for you. Your vote gives you power.

3. It’s your money, after all.

You pay taxes, but are you aware of how that money is spent? The majority of folks do not. Voting gives you the opportunity to direct how your tax funds are spent, such as on health-care and social-services financing.

4. Voting is a chance to make a difference.

Do you want to make a difference?
Voting provides you the opportunity to do so! Support candidates and ballot initiatives that will benefit your community, state, and even the country as a whole.

5. Your community is reliant on you!

Friends, loved ones, neighbors, and children make up our communities. Some people may be unaware of the importance of voting, while others may not have the opportunity to do so. Decide to vote for yourself and those you care about.

Make your voice heard by voting!