Here are the list of the most expensive plants in the world:
1. Variegated Monstera Varieties

Among plant collectors, variegated Monsteras are well regarded as status symbols. This is one of the most expensive houseplants, and you might be surprised to learn that an Adansonii Variegata sold for $38,000 and was the most expensive ever.
2. Variegated Mini Monstera (Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Albo)

This month in New Zealand, a white variegated Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma with nine leaves sold for $27,000. This surpasses the previous record set by a yellow variegated variant with four leaves that was purchased by another New Zealander for $8,000.
3. 800-Year-Old Bonsai Tree

An over-the-roof value of $1.3 million was paid for this tiny white pine tree at the international bonsai exhibition in Japan. This particular bonsai tree is renowned for its age, heritage, and a few appealing characteristics including shape and trunk size. This bonsai breaks the record and is the leading one among the eight most expensive houseplants.
4. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid

When the Shenzhen Nongke Orchid sold at auction for roughly $224,000 in 2005, it set the record for the most expensive flowering plant ever sold. It took eight years for scientists to develop this blossom in a university lab. Only every five years does it blossom. Geez, no wonder it’s one of the eight most expensive houseplants.
5. Large Monstera Obliqua

This unique plant is considered among the eight most expensive houseplants. The large Monstera Obliqua is frequently referred to as having “more holes than leaf” due to its tiny leaves, bringing in a winning bid of $23,000. Online searches for this highly desired, aesthetically pleasing plant species provide several hits and some prices that look fair.